...because the world is a beautiful, magical place but right now we are destroying it - faster than ever before. Big Business and Big Government will not save us...we must do it ourselves!
There is a better way...nature, justice, pluralism...
Our Future!
Together we can change the world!

Hi there!
Here are the NEW IDEAS
that connect us, unite us and show a bright, wide open future for us all. The simple ideas...and the easy
steps to a better world!
Get the book/ebook and get active. Scroll down for more info.
Big Business, Big Gov, our Climate Crisis and our Divided Societies!
Together we can change the world!
Fastest way in...watch the YouTube video by touching here now...and see the info below. Easy!

"The book is written in "quick form" so there's no boredom...just straight to the ideas. I got the nature stuff easily - kinda what I learned in school - and the rest just flows from that. I understand how the world works more. I have reduced my impact. Its been a journey really and I've become more 'me', become calmer and more effective. In control of life more rather than overwhelmed and powerless. And the world has got better too! No longer passive acceptance of stuff - alive and questioning and improving. All good things!"

The Book/eBook
At less than 100 pages, a direct, easy read - clear and super fast. Written in "quick form" it gets straight to the new ideas. You'll be clear on your past, your modern life, how your future is being STOLEN from you and you'll find MANY WAYS FORWARD - the things we can do to help ourselves!
Touch here to find out more.

Author contact
Ray Allwork is happy to chat anytime. Just give out a shout whichever way you like and we can talk!
I guess that's unusual...but it shouldn't be really...all the modern technology in the world really should bring us closer...not be used as another barrier or just for one-way comms!